TikTok UGC

TikTok UGC

We specialize in TikTok UGC (User-Generated Content) campaigns that harness the power of authentic, creator driven content. We connect brands with real creators who deliver compelling, native-like TikTok content that resonates with your audience. From sourcing diverse creators to managing campaign logistics and performance, our all-in-one service focuses on paying the right influencers to post your brand’s message in an engaging, relatable way. We ensure each piece of content feels organic and connects with your target market, all while driving brand awareness, engagement, and conversion. 

What’s Included: 

  • Worldwide targeting

  • more affordable macros and can target US & EUR.

  • Posts go live within 24-48 hours of processing the campaign.

  • Guaranteed view goal with video create range estimates, or we pay out of pocket if we don’t hit that goal.

  • Choose whether you want videos to be creativity or trend-driven, or simply maximizing total video creates.

  • Weekly updates & reporting. 


  • Worldwide targeting may include creators posting captions in non-English languages. 

  • If the creative is extremely challenging or specific, it may affect the 24-48 hour start timeframe. 

  • If the creator doesn’t follow the creative that was provided, they will not be paid (free UGC).


  • $750

  • Our team determines which creators are the right fit for your song based on it’s genre, mood, and vibe.

  • We handle all creator selection.

  • We measure the success of our campaigns with video recreations, total video view count, and engagement rates.

  • All of the influencers we recruit are typically meant to use the song naturally in their content.

  • No, however if you’re not satisfied with the video once it’s live, we will ask the creator to re-make their video.

  • You can target Worldwide, US, and European locale

  • If you have a creative to provide, we’ll let the creators know to adhere to that creative.

  • Our view goals are based on a client’s budget.

  • 24-48 hours.

  • Yes.

  • Viewer reactions to the UGC content posted for a campaign are not in our control, nor can we delete comments posted on the videos.

  • A campaign tracker updated whenever new posts are up, and a final report at the end of the campaign.

  • Yes, we recommend clients post on their TikTok account 6-10 times using the song and DM 150+ creators from their profile to earn as much free UGC as possible.

  • We do our best to lay out briefs to our creators in the most concise, informative way possible in our sendouts.

  • We pitch the song to more creators to reach the desired view goal.

  • Clients can do whatever they want with the UGC generated from our campaign.

  • Our team are scraping influencers on TikTok weekly who fit the parameters we look for in an effective UGC creator and to always stay on top of emerging trends and creators.

  • Once a campaign is started, it cannot be adjusted or modified besides the timeframe.

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